ENG has been established in 1983, in Sao Paulo Brazil.
ENG has developed market in Brazil for Companies such as:
Our company is a Solid Company with owned offices on the major Tech Markets in Brazil
ENG´s Numbers at Dun & Bradstreet are:
If your company intents to open the Brazilian Market, contact us!
+ 55 11 3816.3000 and call Alvaro Venegas (English, Spanish and Portuguese languages)
ENG has owned offices in Sao Paulo/SP, Curitiba/PR, Brasilia/DF and Rio de Janeiro/RJ.
At each office, ENG provides training class rooms.
A ENG DTP & Multimídia was the first company to stablish a new standard of approach Education Market in Brazil. ENG always sells technology and traing the teachers to use at classes, bringing a new dimension to the Tech investiments.
Our commitment is extended to the students of our Customers, to whom, ENG provides benefits such as training, free software, discounted software and even cumputer preripherals with discounts.